Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend in Napa

We spent the weekend in Napa and it was gorgeous. It's been quite a few years since I've been wine tasting in Napa/Sonoma so it was really nice to go back. I'd forgotten how gorgeous the area is. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to upload the pictures yet so you will have to take my word for it. :)

We went to a ton of wineries:
- Cakebread Cellars
- Peju
- Niebaum Coppola
- Markham
- Close Pegase
- Chateau St. Jean
- Carneros Creek/Mahoney
- Rochioli

By the end of it all we didn't want to drink anymore wine or see any wine for at least 24 hours .. but we did end up joining 2 wine clubs

Carneros Creek

Chateau St. Jean

Yes, we joined 2 clubs and still brought back 2 cases of wine with us. Wow .. who wants to help us drink up :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fountain of Youth

Supposedly David Copperfield has found the fountain of life on some island that he just purchased near the Bahamas.
News Story

Hmm .. I think I'll believe it when I see it. With all of the uber smart people in the world, wouldn't they have found the fountain of youth first? Instead, an entertainer is the one who made this miraculous discovery? Sure ... yes, I'm a bit cynical but with everyone who's much smarter and research oriented then a magician would have been sure to have found this miracle water way before him.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Renewing Wedding Vows

Nope, I am not renewing my vows. For goodness sake, it's only been a little under 2 months. I am talking about Britney Spears and her renewing her vows to the slimeball, er, Kevin F.


After a whole 2 years of marriage they are renewing their wedding vows. I think the whole idea of renewing vows is a bit silly ... and it's even more incredulous when you haven't been married for very long. It's a sign that things are going downhill really fast and that the couple is fooling themselves (for a few months longer) that things will work out.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good-Bye Name

I had my name legally changed today to my new married name. It's sad saying good-bye to my maiden name. :( It's always been a part of me and it's sad to see it go away. I couldn't keep it because, let's face it, Wong Wu sounds just way too much like a joke. On the plus side, I have a new signature that I've got to learn to perfect

It was good having you by my side these past 26 years name .. at least I still get to have you in my Chinese name. :)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Superman Returns

I saw Superman Returns last night. Ming made me see the previous Superman movies with Christopher Reeves and after seeing those, the new Superman cannot hold a candle to Christopher Reeves. Christopher Reeves has a sort of classy, gentlemanly aura about him while Brandon Routh just kind of fizzles in that department. Brandon Routh does a decent job at the role, I suppose, but everytime I see him, I think of him as liking the other white meat instead of Lois Lane.

All and all, the movie was good but I'm not sure I'd go see it again.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ron's Farmhouse

If you've ever met me you'd know that I'm the type of person who'd never set foot in a dive bar. It isn't because I have something against them; it's because that isn't generally where I choose to go nor where my friends choose to go. So ... where am I going tonight, Friday night? I'm going to one of the oldest dive bars in the area: Ron's Farmhouse. It even has a MySpace page: MySpace page

I'm going to attend a comedy night. I don't have any expectations of it so maybe it'll end up being a really fun night. We'll see just how "divey" Mountain View can get. I'll report back later.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wedding Bells -- They are a Clangin'

It seems like we've got a whole bunch of weddings to attend within the next year. We've got a bunch of wedding invitations from friends and more on the way. I thought that we were done with wedding stuff for awhile until I see the mailbox with invite after invite ... I guess that is to be expected since we're at the age where we're getting married and our friends are too. We've got:

1 wedding in August (Bay Area)
1 wedding in September (LA)
1 wedding in October (LA)
1 wedding in Spring 2007 (details TBD)
1 wedding in May 2007 (Italy)
1 wedding in June 2007 (Bay Area)
6 weddings!

We're going to be doing a ton of wedding gift shopping and travelling. I guess it is time for me to go out and buy more outfits to wear. ^_^