I saw an episode on the Food Network featuring Paula Dean's sons and they truly are twiddle dee and twiddle dumb. The sons were raised in the south so they are supposed to have a bit of a southern charm to them and definitely have the southern drawl. Unfortunately, as I sat on the couch watching these two all I could think was "you guys cannot be for real." They go to various restaurants and show what the restaurant is well known for (cuisine-wise.) For having a mother who's become somewhat of a tv cook juggernaut they are really clueless. They act really dumb and as though they've never been in a kitchen before. They like to dip their grubby fingers into everything and always go "ooh ahh" over everything, especially bourbon or whiskey.
These guys act like completely simpletons. They are like southern frat boys who've been dropped on their heads a few too many times as a child. *sigh* This goes to show that nepotism is definitely not a good thing -- leads to us innocent TV viewers being subjected to 30 minutes of watching immature idiots on TV