Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Back From Taiwan

I'm back from the holidays and I had a blast. Taiwan was so pretty. I went to the non-industrialized part of the island and it was very pretty. Met many of Ming's relatives and they were all so nice. Here's a small sampling of my photos...

River in Kaoshiung

I can fly!

Fanta with a moo moo print and lots of yummy food for lunch.

The 'woot woot' bridge

This was my home for the past few days. The bus is festive -- red and green

Our very awesome hotel room.

They gave us a plasma tv in the hotel. That's nicer than my tv at home!


Anonymous said...

haha very nice =) woot woot bridge eh... interesting =P Glad you had a great vacation! I was in HK for 11 days too hehe it was awesome =)

Rico said...

What was Ming doing with that guy on his shoulder?