Tuesday, November 06, 2007


This weekend I decided to play gardener. In the backyard we have a plant bed which used to house flowers until we decided to rip the flowers out. The previous owner had planted some flowers in it that neither Ming nor I really liked. I decide that this weekend I'd plant some fall vegetables in the plant bed.

I labored for what seemed like forever, but was likely more like around an hour and a half, preparing the soil and planting my precious seeds. I know nothing about gardening and have no idea if what I did was right or not. I ended up planting chinese celery, napa cabbage, and spinach. All are reputed to be fall vegetables so in theory they should all be ok to plant at this time of year.

I didn't take any pictures of my garden-to-be since it's really just dirt right now. I've been diligently having Ming water my garden so we'll see in a few weeks if anything sprouts up. If not, I can always try again since I've still got a ton of seeds leftover :)

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