Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rant: Gingerbread "People"

It's the holidays so I'm getting ready to do my annual Christmas baking. I generally do a lot of baking during the holidays and it involves pies, cookies, cakes, etc. It helps me get into the festive spirit and I like to share my baked goods with friends, family, and my neighbors.

I always make gingerbread men cookies but I never remember where I get the recipe from. I think that each year's recipe is always a little different since I invariably get it from a different source. This year I searched for "gingerbread men" and returned a few recipes. I searched again for "gingerbread people" and returned results also. So here's the part where I have to rant: this PC thing has gotten out of hand. It is hard enough trying to find a good recipe for anything and now I've got to look at two different sets of search results to try to figure out which recipe sounds like the best one. Granted, these are cookies and aren't that hard to mess up but do we really have to get make an effort to call these guys "people" instead of men?

I think the woman's lib thing has gotten out of control. It makes life so much harder since you never know what you'll find something filed under. If you take a group of people, you grammatically always call the collective group by the male plural. It's like this in all languages (Roman-based languages, etc.) If we can call human beings by the male plural form, why can't we do the same thing for something as simple as a cookie? Damn liberals. Tar and feather them I say ... then you can call them tar-and-feathered-people. :)

So what have I decided to do? To spite all the women's lib fanatics out there I'm going to make all gingerbread men. ^_^

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