Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby Alexander Lucas Wu

Baby Alexander Lucas Wu decided to arrive on August 24, 2012 at 13:20. Labor was extremely tiring, 15 hours, and I was a little delirious at the end of it. All I can remember was there was a lot of pushing and screaming. I would never have been able to make it through the long process were it not for Ming soothing and coaching me through the entire process. I was so relieved once Alexander was born and I heard the sweet cry of his voice. The entire ordeal of pregnancy and labor became a mere memory when I first held Alex and all I could feel was wonder and amazement.

No one can accurately describe what it feels like to become a mother. You can read about everyone's thoughts and descriptions but until it actually happens to you, you won't be able to truly understand until you experience the amazing feeling of holding your baby for the first time. Becoming a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. The mere act of holding him will part all of the clouds in a dreary day and lift up your spirits.

I realize I echo the thoughts of many first time moms but I never tire of looking at Alex, even if he's asleep. In my eyes, granted they are quite tinged with parental pride, he is perfect and I could stare at him for hours. Each of his little movements and mannerisms are a source of wonder and amazement to me.

Welcome to the world my darling baby boy.

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