Friday, August 31, 2007

Gimme More

As I sat in traffic yesterday on my way home from work I happened to catch Britney Spears' new single, Gimme More. I was happy to hear a new track on the radio (instead of listening to the same thing over and over again) but I was disappointed by the song. It wasn't catchy and I got really bored listening to it. The beginning caught my interest (the first lyric being "It's Britney bitch") but then my interest quickly waned. I was hoping from something more from Britney, something along the lines of amazing new work, like Christina Aguilera. Britney's song has disapointed me and I hope it isn't one of those incessant songs played over and over again on the radio.

On the other hand, maybe I am getting old and just don't know what an "it" song is anymore. O.o No! Say it isn't so! I'm not old. I've kept up with the new songs .. and to prove it maybe I should go grab my dancin' shoes and hit up some club this weekend. ^_^

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