Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Vacation Nightmare

The b/f and I are going on vacation to Mexico later this month, approximately 3 weeks from today. We bought our airline tickets months ago because we wanted to get it all out of the way and have one less thing to worry about. Out of the blue b/f asked me for our itinerary. I gave it to him and he wasnt' sure if we had an e-ticket or not. He called up the travel agent we went through only to find out that our tickets were cancelled and we currently did not have any tickets to Mexico. *argh* Both of us were absolutley livid! The travel agent,, had even called us to confirm that we had our tickets. Ah!! After much frustration and ranting we managed to get some tickets that weren't insanely expensive, although still more than we originally thought we were paying. Long story short, never buy tickets through one travel.


Rico said...

Oh shiz...I'm planning to head out to Mexico next month. I'm staying away from that online travel site.

Patrick said...

That sucks.

Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say