Monday, March 14, 2005


I got a haircut this weekend. I've gotten tired of my old hair stylist. He's pretty good but the reason I'm tired of him is:
  1. He doesn't cut long hair as well as he cuts short hair
  2. His location is way too far (deep into the Richmond area of SF)
I went to the same hair stylist Ming goes to and was very satisfied. He did an excellent job! Ming surprised me by treating me and paying for the haircut. *wow* Ming is so sweet to me. Is it any wonder that he's the best >_<


Anonymous said...

Hey girly...when you get your big rock from Ming...we gotta goto Vegas and have a wild bachelorette party for ya...hahah~

Anonymous said...

Hey girly...when you get your big rock from Ming...we gotta goto Vegas and have a wild bachelorette party for ya...hahah~

Anonymous said...

u have long hair now?

Anonymous said...

u have long hair now?