Sunday, March 04, 2007

Turkey in March

We had BBQ turkey tonight. Why did we have turkey? We had turkey because

1. we were craving it
2. it was a nice and sunny day, perfect for BBQ
3. we have been using a fool proof recipe for the past 2 years and the turkey is always juicy and delicious

Here's a pictography of the turkey and the cooking process:

Ming getting ready to BBQ the turkey

The turkey, all ready to go into the BBQ. It's legs and wings are covered to protect them from getting burned to a crisp

Ming checking the BBQ to make sure it's cozy enough for the turkey

2 hours later a perfectly cooked turkey

As always, the turkey was scrumptious. We started off by brining it overnight in a salt based solution. We then took it out this morning to dry out for a bit. 2 hours into the BBQ and the turkey came out, ready to be consumed :) I forgot to take a picture of dinner because we were so hungry and we ended up scarfing it all down.

I know that a lot of people don't like turkey because they don't care for the taste or it's normally too dry. One of these people was my auntie. She absolutley didn't care for turkey until she tried our BBQ turkey. It made her a convert and ever since she had it, she's never looked back. When we tell her that we are having turkey she's at our house as fast as the car can get her here.

1 comment:

Bijoy said...

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regards Biby - Blog