Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Vegetarian for 3 Days

Do you think you could (or would want) to become a vegetarian for 3 days? I was recently made aware that devout buddhists will eat strictly vegetarian for 3 days after a fortuitous event has happened. They believe that because something good has happened (e.g. a raise, bonus, getting a new job, baby) they will celebrate by sparing the lives of animals by not eating them.

While I respect the belief system that buddhists observe I am not sure I could live by it. I am not buddhist but I have friends who are buddhist. Giving up meat for 3 days seems pretty hard to do, particularly when it could happen at any time. I happen to like my pig, cow, and chicken and preventing at least one of them from appearing on my plate (and not completely overloading on carbs to compensate) isn't easy -- it sounds like the equivalent of a diet to me.

Could you do it? Would you do it -- give up meat for 3 days everytime a "lucky" event happened to you?

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